Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Introduction - Choosing and Buying a Telescope

Through a series of posts I will attempt to explain some of the basic facts about telescopes which will hopefully prove interesting to the newcomer to astronomy, and enable them to make a more informed choice about what telescope to buy. I intend to post more information here in the coming weeks and I will add links to any new posts at the bottom of this page, so check back regularly!

To those starting out in astronomy buying a first astronomical telescope can seem a little daunting. So many different types are available: reflector telescopes, refractor telescopes, dobsonians, some with computerised `goto' capability etc etc. What's more the difference in prices can be staggering, for example a small 50mm refractor can be bought for as little as $60 (or £30), while a top of the range 16" Meade LX200R would set you back a whopping $12,999 (or £6500)! So given this huge choice what type should I get? Is an expensive telescope really necessary for me, or will a cheaper model suffice? Should I buy a refractor, a reflector, or a dobsonian? These are just some of the questions I asked myself when I first started out in astronomy, after reading my posts below you will hopefully know the answers!

Click on a topic to find out more:

Main Page - Introduction
Reflecting Telescopes
Refracting Telescopes
Dobsonian Telescopes
Aperture Size Versus Magnification
Altazimuth Telescope Mounts